Đôi khi sử dụng GoldenDict để dịch bạn muốn bôi đen text thì GoldenDict sẽ tự dịch từ đó cho ta. Và một điều khó chịu khác là chức năng translate pop up trong Window của GoldenDict không hoạt động, mà dùng phím tắt Ctrl+C+C
để dịch thì đôi khi bạn không thích lắm.
Bạn hãy soạn file autohotkey sau:
; Translate selected text for GoldenDict
GetInstallPath(ProgramName) {
SoftwareKey := (A_Is64bitOS = 0 ? "Software" : "Software\WOW6432Node")
RegRead, FullFileName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, %SoftwareKey%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%ProgramName%, UninstallString
SplitPath, FullFileName,, InstallPath
return %InstallPath%
GoldenDict := "Duong\Dan\Toi\File\GoldenDict.exe"
run, %GoldenDict%
GroupAdd, DontActiveGroup, ahk_class ExploreWClass ; Disable Explorer window. Unused on Vista and later
GroupAdd, DontActiveGroup, ahk_class CabinetWClass ; Disable Explorer window.
GroupAdd, DontActiveGroup, ahk_class Progman ; Disable desktop window.
GroupAdd, DontActiveGroup, ahk_class WorkerW ; Disable desktop window.
GroupAdd, DontActiveGroup, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass ; Disable console window.
GetArrowState() {
arrowstate_result = 0
GetKeyState, keystate, Left, P
if keystate = D
arrowstate_result += 1
GetKeyState, keystate, Up, P
if keystate = D
arrowstate_result += 2
GetKeyState, keystate, Right, P
if keystate = D
arrowstate_result += 4
GetKeyState, keystate, Down, P
if keystate = D
arrowstate_result += 8
return arrowstate_result
#IfWinNotActive ahk_group DontActiveGroup
TimeButtonDown = %A_TickCount%
arrow_state = 0
; Wait for it to be released
Sleep 10
if arrow_state = 0
arrow_state = GetArrowState()
GetKeyState, LshiftState, Lshift, P
if LshiftState = U ; Button has been released.
elapsed = %A_TickCount%
elapsed -= %TimeButtonDown%
if elapsed > 200 ; Button was held down long enough
x0 = A_CaretX
y0 = A_CaretY
Sleep 10 ; yield time to others
if arrow_state = 0
arrow_state = GetArrowState()
GetKeyState, keystate, Lshift
IfEqual keystate, U, {
x = A_CaretX
y = A_CaretY
if (arrow_state <> 0 and (x-x0 > 5 or x-x0 < -5 or y-y0 > 5 or y-y0 < -5))
{ ; Caret has moved
GoSub, TranslateRoutine
#IfWinNotActive ahk_group DontActiveGroup
TimeButtonDown = %A_TickCount%
MouseGetPos x0, y0 ; save start mouse position
; Wait for it to be released
Sleep 10
GetKeyState, LButtonState, LButton, P
if LButtonState = U ; Button has been released.
elapsed = %A_TickCount%
elapsed -= %TimeButtonDown%
if elapsed > 200 ; Button was held down too long, so assume it's not a double-click.
Sleep 20 ; yield time to others
GetKeyState, keystate, LButton
IfEqual keystate, U, {
MouseGetPos x, y ; position when button released
if (x-x0 > 5 or x-x0 < -5 or y-y0 > 5 or y-y0 < -5)
{ ; mouse has moved
GoSub, TranslateRoutine
; Otherwise, button was released quickly enough. Wait to see if it's a double-click:
TimeButtonUp = %A_TickCount%
Sleep 10
GetKeyState, LButtonState, LButton, P
if LButtonState = D ; Button has been pressed down again.
elapsed = %A_TickCount%
elapsed -= %TimeButtonUp%
if elapsed > 350 ; No click has occurred within the allowed time, so assume it's not a double-click.
;MouseClick, Left
; Since above didn't return, it's a double-click:
Sleep, 100
;Send, ^c
GoSub, TranslateRoutine
WinGetActiveTitle active_title
OutputDebug Current active window title is %active_title%.
old_clip := ClipBoardAll ; save old clipboard
ClipBoard = ; clear current clipboard
send, ^c ; selection -> clipboard
ClipWait, 1 ; retrieve new clipboard
if ErrorLevel
selected = ""
selected = %ClipBoard%
SetEnv, ClipBoard, %old_clip% ; restore old clipboard
IfEqual selected,, return
selected := Trim(selected, " `t`r`n")
StringLen, sel_len, selected
if (sel_len <= 0 or sel_len > 50)
selected := """" . selected . """"
run, %GoldenDict% %selected%
Ở dòng thứ 8 hãy khai báo đường dẫn tới file GoldenDict.exe
và sau đó hãy chạy script này.
Chúc các bạn thành công.